Team B.O.A.T. Motorworks Rennfahrzeuge aus ABS Material - Gymnasium Rissen Hamburg

Innovative partnership: Reents Technologies GmbH supports the B.O.A.T. Motorworks team from Rissen

Published On: 15.February.2024|466 words|2 min read|

At a time when education and technology go hand in hand, Reents Technologies GmbH has entered into an inspiring partnership with the B.O.A.T. Motorworks team from Gymnasium Rissen near Hamburg. This collaboration within the framework of the “Formula 1 in Schools” project underlines our commitment to the development of young talent and the importance of practical technical education.

The Challenge: A Race Against Time

When the ambitious team of students approached us for support, we were immediately ready to lend our expertise and resources in the field of 3D printing. With a tight timeframe in mind, we used our expertise in manufacturing ABS material components for the automotive industry to produce the models for the team quickly and efficiently. The use of FDM printing processes allowed us to produce high-quality models in less than 48 hours, with several machines running simultaneously and producing the models.

In Focus: Team B.O.A.T. Motorworks

The Gymnasium Rissen and the B.O.A.T. Motorworks team have impressively demonstrated that commitment, team spirit and a deep technical understanding are not a question of age. Their dedication and enthusiasm for the “Formula 1 in Schools” project is a source of inspiration. By supporting these young innovators, we not only contribute to the development of their technical skills, but also promote values such as teamwork, problem-solving and creative thinking.

Teamkleidung vom Team B.O.A.T. Motorworks mit den zugehörigen Sponsoren

Thanks to all sponsors of the project

This initiative would not have been possible without the support of the partners. A special thank you goes to:

  • DEVCON-CT Consulting & Training GmbH
  • EDEKA Boll
  • feinkostMEDIA
  • Pigmento GmbH

The contributions have been instrumental in the success of the project and demonstrate the importance of collaboration between businesses, educational institutions and the community.

Our contribution to education and technology

By providing our expertise in 3D printing as well as our manufacturing capacity to the B.O.A.T. Motoroworks team from the Gymnasium in Rissen, Hamburg, we show how companies can directly contribute to the advancement of education and the development of future talent. Our commitment to this project reflects Reents Technologies’ values: innovation, quality, and community support.

Partnering with Team B.O.A.T. Motorworks is a testament to our commitment not only to innovate in the world of 3D printing and the automotive industry, but also to inspire and support young people. We strongly believe that investing in education and fostering technical skills is essential for the future.

Conclusion & Outlook

We are fully behind the B.O.A.T. Motorworks team and are proud to be part of their journey. Reents Technologies GmbH is looking forward to continuing to support projects that promote young talents and advance technical education in the future.

We wish the team every success in the Formula 1 in Schools competition and look forward to their future successes.