Straightforward non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

We offer our customers an uncomplicated way of concluding a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with Reents Technologies GmbH.

Confidentiality at Reents Technologies

(1) Confidentiality obligation: All employees of Reents Technologies GmbH are committed to strict confidentiality. All information and documents relating to customer projects in the field of 3D printing and CAD design are treated with the utmost discretion. This includes design concepts, CAD files, technical drawings, business plans, trade secrets and special technical know-how. The confidentiality obligation begins with the signing of the corresponding agreement and remains in force for two years after the end of the project.

(2) Data protection and confidentiality: Reents Technologies GmbH undertakes not to disclose any customer data without express authorization, except to external experts involved in business expansion or similar processes. The handling of data is strictly earmarked.

(3) Public and private information: Information on public platform areas of Reents Technologies GmbH is generally accessible. Access to specific, sensitive customer information in the private area of our platform is only possible with prior consent.

(4) Maintaining confidentiality: Confidentiality is a central component of our corporate philosophy and is taken extremely seriously by all employees and partners. In the event of breaches of the confidentiality obligations, the statutory provisions shall apply, whereby liability for damages shall be limited to intentional or grossly negligent acts.

(5) Professional and ethical behavior: Reents Technologies GmbH is committed to acting professionally, ethically and in the best interests of its clients at all times. Our actions are based on the highest standards in the 3D printing and design industry.

(6) Data protection according to GDPR: We process personal data in accordance with the GDPR and fulfill all associated obligations. Our handling of customer data is transparent and secure.

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Confidentiality agreement Requests

Send us a non-binding request regarding the non-disclosure agreement (NDA). We will send you the relevant documents promptly so that we can work together effectively and openly.

NDA Formular